Monthly Rent ¥ 52,000
Maintenance Fee ¥ 7,000
Deposit ¥ 0
Key Money ¥ 9,000
Layout 1R
Floor 2F / 9F
Property Size 23.74㎡
Year Built 2007Year Built
Nearest Station
Nishikujo(JR Osaka Loop Line) (3min)
Nishikujo (Hanshi Namba Line) (3min)
Kujo (Hanshin Namba Line) (12min)
Prefecture Osaka-fu
City / Ward Osaka-shi, Konohana-ku
Address 2-3-1, Nishi-kujo, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi

Auto lock / Security camera / Intercom (with camera)

Only 3min to “Nishi-Kujo” station on foot.

Go to Umeda, Tennoji without transfer via JR.

Thanks to plenty of windows, the room gets lots of sun lights so it’s always bright.

Be sure to do your laundry  in the morning and to get the morning sun on the east-facing balcony.

All electric utilities means you don’t have to pay for gas bills. Yay!


Bonheur IZUMI

Estimated initial cost is ¥ 172,000 yen.

Cost breakdown

Monthly Rent ¥ 52,000
Maintenance Fee ¥ 7,000
Deposit ¥ 0
Key Money ¥ 9,000
Fire insurance ¥ 800
Guarantor company fee ¥ 29,500
Locksmith fee ¥ 16,500
Agency fee ¥ 57,200

This estimate may differ from the actual amount.
Also, if you move in the middle of the month, you will be required to pay pro-rated rent.

Monthly Rent / Maintenance Fee ¥ 52,000 / ¥ 7,000
Deposit / Key Money ¥ 0 / ¥ 9,000
1R / 23.74㎡ / 2007Year Built

Bonheur IZUMI

Estimated initial cost is ¥ 172,000 yen.

Cost breakdown

Monthly Rent ¥ 52,000
Maintenance Fee ¥ 7,000
Deposit ¥ 0
Key Money ¥ 9,000
Fire insurance ¥ 800
Guarantor company fee ¥ 29,500
Locksmith fee ¥ 16,500
Agency fee ¥ 57,200

This estimate may differ from the actual amount.
Also, if you move in the middle of the month, you will be required to pay pro-rated rent.

trainTrain Line
Nishikujo(JR Osaka Loop Line) (3min)
Nishikujo (Hanshi Namba Line) (3min)
Kujo (Hanshin Namba Line) (12min)
2-3-1, Nishi-kujo, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi