每月租金 ¥ 63,000
每月管理費 ¥ 4,000
保證金 ¥ 0
禮金 ¥ 0
格局 1K
樓層 1樓 / 2樓
房間面積 20.6㎡
屋齡 2016屋齡
東三國 (御堂筋線) (10分)
東淀川 (JR 東海道本線) (19分)
都道府縣 大阪府
市 / 區 大阪市, 淀川區
地址 2-2-1, Juhachijo 2-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka


ルクレア 102

初期費用估算為¥ 173,200円。


每月租金 ¥ 63,000
每月管理費 ¥ 4,000
保證金 ¥ 0
禮金 ¥ 0
火災保險 ¥ 18,000
保證費 ¥ 18,900
仲介手續費 ¥ 69,300

Initial cost
16,500 yen (including tax) when signing up for the “Tokutekku Club” service
Room disinfection fee 19,800 yen (tax included) when contracted

Running cost
Monthly water charge 1,650 yen (including tax)
Sinosupport24 Monthly fee 1,210 yen (including tax)
Account transfer fee 660 yen/month (including tax) *Changes depending on the guarantor company.
Renewal fee 22,000 yen (including tax) *First 2-year renewal 22,000 yen (including tax), subsequent 1-year renewals 11,000 yen (including tax)

At the time of moving out
Cleaning fee At the time of cancellation 38,500 yen (including tax) for an area of less than 30 m2 49,500 yen (including tax) for an area of 30 m2 or more but less than 40 m2
Air conditioner cleaning fee At the time of cancellation 11,000 yen (including tax) per unit


每月租金 / 每月管理費 ¥ 63,000 / ¥ 4,000
保證金 / 禮金 ¥ 0 / ¥ 0
1K / 20.6㎡ / 2016屋齡

ルクレア 102

初期費用估算為¥ 173,200円。


每月租金 ¥ 63,000
每月管理費 ¥ 4,000
保證金 ¥ 0
禮金 ¥ 0
火災保險 ¥ 18,000
保證費 ¥ 18,900
仲介手續費 ¥ 69,300

Initial cost
16,500 yen (including tax) when signing up for the “Tokutekku Club” service
Room disinfection fee 19,800 yen (tax included) when contracted

Running cost
Monthly water charge 1,650 yen (including tax)
Sinosupport24 Monthly fee 1,210 yen (including tax)
Account transfer fee 660 yen/month (including tax) *Changes depending on the guarantor company.
Renewal fee 22,000 yen (including tax) *First 2-year renewal 22,000 yen (including tax), subsequent 1-year renewals 11,000 yen (including tax)

At the time of moving out
Cleaning fee At the time of cancellation 38,500 yen (including tax) for an area of less than 30 m2 49,500 yen (including tax) for an area of 30 m2 or more but less than 40 m2
Air conditioner cleaning fee At the time of cancellation 11,000 yen (including tax) per unit


東三國 (御堂筋線) (10分)
東淀川 (JR 東海道本線) (19分)
2-2-1, Juhachijo 2-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka